Hook City!

So there’s a new competitive Cryx podcast, Chasing the Dragonfather (link here), that’s focused around what in Cryx works, cool interactions and how Cryx isn’t such a burning dumpster fire. One of the things that they covered was Gaspy2 combo-ing with Reapers to project threat and rack up an attrition advantage (clouds + drag). I liked it enough to fiddle my own list together based around that interaction.

Hook City
Lich Lord Asphyxious – WJ: +28
–    Reaper – PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)
–    Reaper – PC: 13 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)
–    Cankerworm – PC: 9 (Battlegroup Points Used: 2)
–    Nightwretch – PC: 7
Gorman Di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist – PC: 4
Warwitch Siren – PC: 4
Scrap Thrall – 3 Scrap Thrall: 2
Soul Trapper – PC: 1
Bane Warriors – Leader & 5 Grunts: 10
35 / 35 Army

Gaspy2 brings two main things to the table, a rolling cloud wall and Parasite. I’m not tremendously concerned about any other text on his card (it’d be cool if Excarnate could return Scrap Thralls but it doesn’t).

The Banes and Gorman stack with Parasite for a potential 7 ARM swing (which is big). Banes are also Weapon Masters that can clean up/off anything that the Reapers fail to finish off.

The Nightwretch is the token Arc Node (with a POW14 thud gun), Cankerworm is just a good model to have around (really hard to kill, occasionally you’ll get to mount a colossal gun on its tail, good times to be had!).

The Warwitch is around to ease the focus burden on Gaspy2 and the Soul Trapper is around just because I couldn’t buy another 3 Scrap Thralls.

The Scrap Thralls are kicking around as utility pieces. They can make a big hit against a hard target that the Reapers have drug in, can contest/control flanking objectives and threaten infantry (run 10” and jam, creates a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” moment). This does give rise to an interesting question, why pay 2 points for Scrap Thralls instead of 2 points for a Necrotech who can make a bunch of Scrap Thralls? The Necrotech relies on having jacks die to produce Scrap Thralls. I’m fairly certain that my jacks aren’t going to be dying and I’m not sure how often enemy jacks are going to be dying. I’d like to run this list a few times but until the theme force drops that has the benefit “Necrotechs start the game with a scrap token” or I have a better idea how often I actually get to drag in and kill enemy jacks, I’m going to start with the Scrap Thralls instead of the Necrotech (I suspect that the Necrotech will end up being the proper choice in the end).

Lastly, the Reapers. These guys are the main point of the list. They walk 6 inches, shoot and drag in a heavy, and kill it. Gaspy2 then drops a line of clouds in front of the Reapers, protecting them from any retailation.

Overall, I think that this is a fun list that has some good potential. Currently it won’t fair tremendously well into infantry blobs, nothing in the list has enough output to clean up 30 or 40 bodies quickly (more scrap thralls?). Pushing the list to 50 points, I’d look into beefing up its ability to handle infantry.

Get it Painted! (Jan 23, 2017)

A bright bit of news, there’s a few people that glance at my blog and like my posts and you guys have racked up 20 likes! It was happy little alert to get today!  Second piece of bright news, I painted an entire heavy from primer to completion in 6 hours in one session! Endurance was something I’ve been struggling with, longer sessions put a lot of strain on my eyes (my current eyeglass prescription is…off, something to do with the anti-glare coating and it makes long sessions rough). This is another Cryx model, a Slayer. Currently most of what one can find online about Cryx tries to convince one that the faction is a burning dumpster fire! They’re wrong (mostly just lazy people that find complaining easier than thinking and change). Enough of that though, onto the model itself!

This has been one of my favorite models to paint…ever. It has a lot of fun, small details that are easy to pick out. Overall, it’s a fairly good looking model and it accepted my thoughts quite easily. I’ve got a few other color schemes I’d like to try other than the blue and gold (white and gold I think would be very striking) and fortune smiles on me because I’ve got one more Slayer to paint! This also brings me 3 more bases closer to that magic 31! One last thing I wanted to ramble about, the rune. This rune is out of one of the Cryx fluff books, it means “Strength” and it was probably one of the easier runes to freehand. From the pictures you should be able to see that the rune is a wonderful example of my failure to adequately thin my paints, but in this case I don’t mind it (the raised nature of the rune helps define and separate it from the blue base). Doing freehand details and getting the paints sufficiently thin to avoid that build up, but thick enough to be controllable (read: to not run absolutely everywhere) is a massive pain. It’s the primary reason that I don’t do more freehand details. Overall I think this jack turned out rather nicely! (Also Deneghra1 is still a meta-defining powerhouse. Come at me!)

January Running Tally
The “Strength” Slayer: 3
Acosta: 1
Old Crusader!!!: 3
Knight Exemplar Grunts 4+5: 2
Stormguard Captain + Grunt, Captain Finn: 3
Mobius + Bane Warrior Grunt: 3
Knight Exemplar Grunts 2 + 3: 2
Punch Monk: 1
Knight Exemplar Grunt (1/5): 1
Knight Exemplar Captain: 1
Major Beth Maddox: 1
Woldwyrd x2: 4

Get It Painted! (Jan 17, 2016)

So its the first day of the semester, the first day of classes and I’m still not caught up with my goal. By my count, I’m sitting seven (7!) Models behind. However, there’s a tray that’s quickly filling up with models I need to varnish, models…that I haven’t shared yet! So today I’ll shrink the gap by almost half!

Allow me to present a Bane Warrior and the Boss Bloat Thrall Mobius! Yes that’s right, Cryx models! Le gasp! I have a hard time turning down a deal and the 2 Player Battleboxes that PP produces (here and here) are fantastic deals (they contain roughly $120-140 worth of product for around 90 bucks. I was able to snag mine for 65). In much the same!e manner as my Khador, I have a serious interest in small elements of other factions (Man-o-Wars in Khador, Wolds in Circle, etc) and I collect a small force comprised of the models I need to run that element as a list. For Cryx I haven’t really decided on much beyond Mobius and Shrikes…Anyways, that’s another post for another day.

Mobius was an annoying model to assemble (his pointing arm is just a loose ball and socket joint). The Bane Warrior has a story to tell. So when my opponent for a game backed out on me yesterday (something something “real life” something something), I decided it was time to turn my Bane Warriors colors other than green. Slapping them into a batch painting tray, I base coated and blocked in the initial colors. It was 1:45 in the morning and I thought to myself, it isn’t 2 yet, I’ll just wash them all. I finished the washes at 2:16. Then I thought, I just want to try this one technique, to make sure it looks good! Good news, it does. Bad news, I ended up finishing that model at 4am in the morning. To explain some of the unpainted details (such as the back studs), due to the busy nature of the scheme (green-yellow axe, axe rust, cloak vs chain, etc) I decided that the back studs, armor edges, etc would be fine with just the wash + drybrush. Fine details tale a long time and in a unit, will go unobserved or appreciated 95-99% of the time. So, I painted the obvious bits and largely skipped the rest and it still looks good!

January Running Tally
Mobius + Bane Warrior Grunt: 3
Knight Exemplar Grunts 2 + 3: 2
Punch Monk: 1
Knight Exemplar Grunt (1/5): 1
Knight Exemplar Captain: 1
Major Beth Maddox: 1
Woldwyrd x2: 4

Faction Review: Cryx (this is a long one)

For anyone not paying attention, Cryx got a major shake up when mk III landed (a fact that has been much lamented by Cryx players). From the outside, I think mostly people are reacting to the fact that they need to think and change (two things that are very difficult to do at times). Personally, I really like it when overpowered choices get rebalanced into a good spot, I’m also not horrendously heartbroken when an overpowered caster gets undertuned and left below the power curve for a while to pay for their crimes (there are still a few offenders in the game that could do with some more adjustment downwards). One of the reasons I’m not heartbroken is because it grants the opportunity for other choices to be valid. One of the common jokes that used to bounce around the Cryx forums was, “MOR BANES!” Any list questions or discussion was stifled by the cry of MOR BANES. Why try this unit X when MOR BANES was just a strictly better choice? (In a similar fashion, Cygnar boards were nothing but “where’s Haley2 and your stormwall?”). What with Cryx being turned on its head, people are bailing for other factions like there’s no tomorrow. This intrigues me since overall, I feel that PP did a decent job of getting hundreds of models, units and rules to all play nicely together.

  • Is the Cryx boat really that awful?
  • Is it on fire and sinking simultaneously?
  • Does this post have a point?

This past June, I joined everyone in oggling every card and happily jumped on the various hype-trains. When I was sorting through Cryx (with practically no prior knowledge beyond “MORE BANES”), I noticed a few things as an outsider.

  • The Cryx boat isn’t on fire or sinking.
  • Mother of god, speedy DEF13 heavy jacks.
  • Gaspy2 got utterly destroyed.

So, this post started as a Scaverous review (because that’s a thing I do when I have computer access and free time). But as I was putting that post together, it evolved into more of a “what silly things can I do with this faction?” type of affair (which in turn, evolved into this post).

So Cryx lost a couple of their big, iconic, powerhouse casters that were dominating tournaments, but these casters weren’t deleted into oblivion, they just got a rework in their role or purpose. Let’s grab Gaspy3 as a quick example. Gaspy3 was an armor cracker with both damage and accuracy fixes that really wanted a massive infantry swarm (#MOR_BANES_2016), if they had ported him straight from mkII there is not a single doubt in my mind that we would be seeing him on the table as one of Cryx’s top 5 casters. But he changed into a jack caster with Field Marshal [Unyeilding], Mobility and Calamity. Gaspy3 also plays the DEF skew game that Cryx wants to see AND packs upkeep removal. Certainly he doesn’t function well as an infantry blob buff bot anymore, but in a game where running jack heavy isn’t a bad thing, he’s really quite dangerous. A number of things in Cryx strike me in the same fashion, changed certainly, but not bad.

Now I could post a paragraph or three for each entry in Cryx, but I’m certain that most people would prefer a quicker summary than that so I’m going to pick my top few choices out of each category (Warcaster, Troops, Solos, Warjacks), briefly explain why I have this opinion and then call it a post (feel free to comment or otherwise contact me if there’s something you think I’ve gotten wrong).


Here are the 5 casters in Cryx I just don’t want to see on the table (or that I would play if I moved into Cryx for some reason).

Scaverous – He’s a powerhouse of a spellcaster that pretty much fixes anything the opponent decides to buff. Add in Telekensis and a couple methods of generating souls (plus the fact that he can turn souls into rerolls for whomever needs them) and there’s very little that Scaverous doesn’t threaten. With his feat (-1 to spell costs) and an arcnode (or a fat souls turn), he can maintain a credible spell assassination threat with a 14” bonejack run. About the only thing that limits Scaverous from just shoving every other caster out of the Cryx meta is the fact that he lacks a defense buff.

Gaspy3 – Cryx has amazing jacks. The fact that Gaspy3 basically fixes every problem that Cryx jacks face is enough to toss him onto my list. He has debuffs, a def buff, fixes jack armor, speed and vulnerability to rough terrain. I have a hard time imagining the terror that could be Cryx jackspam (a Slayer threats 12” and can run to engage 15”…)

Aiakos2 – Most of the journeyman warcasters that got their v2 were unimpressive. Aiakos is interesting. If he had one or two more focus, he would define the Cryx meta. Instead, he has an amazing spell list that is going to be best used in combination with via pieces like Skarlocks or Deathjack. The fact that he’s also amazingly mobile without any resource investment means that even with a lower focus count, he’s not going to be outrun by his army. With a MAT fix, an armor debuff and threat extender, I think that Aiakos is going to be seen quite a lot when his general release happens.

Terminus – Terminus just needs an army to protect and deliver him to whatever needs to die. Basically a green colored Butcher, Terminus can pretty much kill anything that has the misfortune to stand within 9” of him. With the ability to pass off shots to tough, undead warriors, Terminus is resistant to being shot off the table (I’d grab something like the Revenant Crew to make his Sac Pawn targets almost infinite). The “balancing” factor of Terminus is that he is almost completely selfish, he does nothing for anyone else in his army.

Denny1 – (Note that Denny 1 and 2 and Agathia are basically the same caster with a few differences. Denny1 is just the best of the three). Mother of debuffs! In my opinion Denny1 is the iconic Cryx caster, nasty debuffs, brilliant feat, and a delicious suite of defensive tech. She has some nice synergies and classically shunts a couple of other Cryx casters out of contention by her existance (why play Agathia when Denny1 is a caster, something that is iconically Cryx as undead things).


Now I’ve mentioned a couple times that Cryx has some of the best jacks in the game, but the reigning opinion typically is “Cryx jacks? They’re sh*t, don’t bother.” especially when discussion about Cryx heavies pop up. I think this is the wrong attitude. Anyways, Cryx jacks feature high speed, high defense (for heavies DEF13 is high) and low armor. Unlike a Juggernaut, Cryx jacks tend to explode with a minimum of effort. That is, until “DEF SKEW” becomes a thing. Most heavies have a DEF stat between 10 and 12 and a MAT of 6. That means on average, a heavy jack rolls a 13 to hit (which amusingly, hits every other heavy in the game). Now people are going nuts for Gallant, to the tune of “OMGEE A HEAVY WITH DEF 13 WHAT IS THIS OP NONSENSE”, which really raise the question of: Why aren’t Cryx players going similarly nuts? Probably a lack of DEF buffs. All this preamble aside, let’s get into it!

Barathrum – Delicious! For 15pts this guy is what I would probably try and take in every list as a beater. He loses nothing from the Slayer chassis and gains the ability to, when he kills something, to threaten ridiculous places. Run under Terminus (or Gaspy3) and he suddenly can take a hit or three. Dig-In is an incredible ability on a DEF13 model (DEF17 against shooting), with a cloud or DEF buff, that gets into the “nigh-unhittable” range. About the only downside is that this is a Character and thus, only one per list.

Slayer – This is an amazing jack, with an inherent threat of 10” and a 12” run, the biggest downside is that he’s a bit pillowfisted with P+S16 claws (which in a faction that is infamous for ARM debuffs, isn’t really that big of a deal). Cheap, fast and mobile, about the only thing I don’t like is the lack of pathfinder.

Nightmare – Huh, all Slayer chassis insofar. Anyways, Nightmare is one of the best sculpts in the game. Coupled with a fabulous bond (because let’s be fair, one of the big downsides to running jacks is having them shot before they get to do anything, Nightmare’s bond is Stealth), an immunity to rough terrain AND obstacles, and an inherent damage buff, Nightmare is a Slayer with all of the problems solved. With a touch of debuff stacking, Nightmare can threaten to one round a colossal…and that is terrifying.

Deathripper – Cheap. Fast. Arc node. There are a couple flavors of this guy now but I like the cheapest one since they tend to accidentally explode the turn after you use them (courtesy of your opponent).

Shrike – Now this is the last jack that I rather impressed by (not to say that there aren’t other perfectly viable jacks in Cryx, the crab jacks have some great potential, they just don’t surprise or scare me enough to mention currently). I’m a big fan of lights that can trample (there’s a griffon in circle that does a similar thing) since it opens up a lot of utility. Cryx straight up wins with this guy however, he trades the Deathripper’s arc node for Wings, +1 DEF, free tramples, additional attack dice on trample attacks, free strike immunity while trampling and the ability to trample EVERYTHING (and more damage on trample attacks). This is a jack that is built to trample things to death (woe steelheads) and unlike heavies, it has enough movement on a trample (10” total) and a small enough base to make huge tramples (since heavies tend to not fit at the end of trample movements at SPD+3”). At 6pts, I find it hard not to slot one in as a solution to troop swarms (seriously, 7+3d6 on the attack, 11+2d6 on the damage without any focus)!


This is a bit trickier of a section to evaluate without a lot of table time devoted to Cryx since a number of the Cryx units seem rather bad without taking the faction synergies into account. Once again, I’ll pick my top few things that I’m worried and scared to see on the other side of the table (or, conversely, the few things that I would play).

Bane Warriors – My understanding is that these guys dropped Stealth for Ghostly and that made them go from terror of the table to absolute trash. I disagree, vehemently! In a faction with viable Occultation casters (hey look, stealth on a stick), these guys are much stronger. Effectively P+S13 weaponmasters, they sprint 10” up the table every turn and have built in pathfinder (as a Protectorate player, I would kill to see Bane Warriors in faction). Coupled with a fabulous solo (I’ll get to that guy) and a UA that let’s these guys replenish their numbers from the things that they kill for a turn, I doubt that mkIII is the end of Bane Warriors on the table (perhaps the army of nothing but Bane Warriors is done but that’s probably a good thing).

Blackbane’s Ghost Raiders – I’ll admit, I skipped past these guys a few times after glancing at their defense line of 13/12 (heyo victim stats!). I completely missed that incorporeal icon on the card. Now admittedly, a P+S10 attack is rather underwhelming, but in a faction that is infamous for it’s debuffing ability, that is not really much of an issue (any ARM debuff caster will support them just fine). Coupled with their ability to replenish their own numbers by kill enemies, their relative immunity to most of the game and the fact that they can set things on fire, I think these guys are some of the stronger scenario troops in the game. Oh, they also apparate 2”.

Satyxis Raiders – Holy DEF skew batman! I saw these guys in mkII as the premiere jamming unit for Cryx, that hasn’t changed! SPD 7, DEF14, 2” melee and gang, these guys are still just as annoying and just as dangerous as mkII.

Steelhead Riflemen – Mercenaries! Buhzinga! With a straight face, these guys were horrendously overcosted in mkII because Cryx could take them. They’re much cheaper now and Cryx can still take them…Typically merc units are awful because you can’t buff them BUT debuffs are equal opportunity pain for everyone, mercs included. Interestingly, Cryx doesn’t have a big, shoot-y unit choice so until they do, I like the look of Steelhead Riflemen (also, grab a min unit of these guys for three RAT7, POW13 shots a turn or one RAT11, POW17 shot, CRA is good, kay?).

Soulhunters – On the subject of min unit utility units, I love the idea of a mininum unit of Soulhunters for solo hunting. For 11pts, you get 3 SPD9 (!!!), DEF14 models that threaten 13” with a fully boosted charge attack. With the ability to pop incorporeal after murdering something and reposition 5”, I really think this a unit that can threaten crazy lines without a tremendous amount of effort. I do agree that a full unit of Soulhunters is probably a waste of points (its the typical issue of not enough base space), but a min unit really repsresents a ton of utility.


I love solos. They do a ton for making a effective, flexible list that can catch whatever the opponent drops on their side of the table (or represent questions that are difficult to answer, see Kell Bailoch). In mkIII (sadly), everything got cheaper except solos. Meh.

Bane Lord Tartarus – This guy looks like the best of the mkII banes mixed with the best of the mkIII banes. If there are any Banes in your list, this guy is worth consideration. Since he’s got stealth, it’s difficult to remove him from the board before he gets his points back. He makes banes more accurate and can replenish bane units around him by murdering things. Only 2 points more than the UA, I like him MORE then the UA since the UA for the Bane Warriors only offers a one per game replenishment. He also is effectively a P+S14 weaponmaster with two attacks. Ya know, cause banes.

Bloat Thrall Overseer Mobius – I hate the appearance of this model (of all Bloat/Bile Thralls actually) but he is deliciously effective as a solo. “But wait!” you might object, “without a Bloat Thrall, this guy is a waste of points!” And you’d be right, if he himself wasn’t a Bloat Thrall as well. That’s right, all of his orders apply to himself! Now, instead of a 10pt premium, you only pay 6! And for 6 points, this guy is decently scary. With his orders, this guy has a lot of options every turn as to what he does. From the top, he threatens a POW14, AoE 4, RAT 5 shot 19” that applies continuous corrosion (haha single wound troops!). Mobius can also JSJ (Jump-Shoot-Jump) from behind things (or simply skitter 7” away from whatever is chasing him). Lastly, he can spike up to RAT 7 (a bit understated, but still strong). Even if all this guy does is pass out continuous corrosion to a bunch of models, he can do that with little fear of reprisal from basically turn two onwards.

Daragh Wrathe – Whoo! Dragoon! And not a shabby one at that. This guy does a lot to make Cryx a scary scenario/attrition presence on the board and he’s difficult to remove from the board. He has three spells on his card, a movespeed buff for undead models (hey look…that’s like the entire faction!), a POW14 single target nuke (meh but it is POW14) and a 9” bubble of “enemies suffer -2 POW” (which is actually really strong). With Battle Wizard and Reposition 3” to cap it off, this guy will probably get his points back (even if it just causes your banes to sprint faster towards the enemy).

Machine Wraith – Not the most impressive solo ever, at a bare minimum, this is a 2pt incorpreal model. At the most, this guy will probably die the turn after you use it BUT a Machine Wraith can serve to kidnap pretty much any warjack your opponent has (read: a poor man’s telekinesis). Since Telekinesis is probably the best spell in the game, I’m down with paying 2 points to get a once per game telekinesis on a key jack (with an 11” charging, incorporeal threat, it’s pretty scary).

Pistol Wraith – I love these guys. First off, they’re incorporeal (are we seeing a pattern here? I hope so!) so they’re pretty much immune to death before you get to use them. Coupled with two RAT7, POW12 shots, these guys get the souls of whatever they kill (enabling them to boost their shots and boosted POW12s do a surprising amount of work). Now if that was all this model did, I’d be less impressed (spot removal that can boost shots, it’s good but not versatile enough to tickle my fancy). Tack on Chain Attack: Death Chill (double tap a model, it becomes stationary) and I begin to drool. Seriously, this allows a scary amount of crowd control on a stick. Each turn this solo can, at a minimum, tax a warjack/beast a focus/fury. At most, this removes accuracy as an issue for the entirety of the faction and there is very little in the game that is immune to stationary.

So that wraps up this faction review of mine. I’ve certainly missed things and not mentioned others (feel free to shout/yell/comment/whatnot, feedback is always welcome!) but I really think that Cryx still has the potential to an absolute terror. At the time of writing, I’ve got a fledgling Cryx force (2 Player Warmachine Starter + mkII Battlebox + Min Soulhunters) but who knows where it’ll end up.

Rate That Caster! (73, Skarre2)

Another new thing, more for my benefit than for anyone else. I’m going to ramble on about a random Warmachine caster for a while (my thoughts/opinions, strengths and weaknesses, ups and downs, why I like them, why I don’t). No set schedule for this, but I have punched all the casters into a random number generator, so lets see what comes up! (also, no warlocks because I have very limited experience with Hordes, I might add them in one day *shrug*). So, without further ado, here’s number 73, Skarre, Queen of the Broken Coast!


So Skarre has one of the better field marshal abilities in the game at the moment, Future Sight (she also personally has Future Sight). This means is that she wants to be running a decently sized battle group because her field marshal ability allows her jacks to be very focus efficient. There are a number of jacks that she wants to take; my number one pick for her is a Corrupter. Due to its second shot type, a Corrupter servers as a limit breaker for Skarre, enabling her to expend hp to maintain upkeeps without much risk of being low hp on your opponent’s turn (you cut to maintain upkeeps, the Corruptor heals the damage in the same turn). This allows for more focus to be fed to jacks or used for spells. Coupled with Black Spot, a Corrupter can put a staggering number of boxes back onto Skarre. It also serves to free up points in the list via its arc node shot. Any of the harpoon jacks are also quite solid due to Black Spot, it can shoot and reel one target in, kill it, then pull the next target in via a second shot from Black Spot. Unlike most of the Cryxian casters, Skarre lacks an armor debuff, with that in mind, she really wants a jack that can bring the pain. Deathjack is a touch pricey, Seethers, on the other hand, are fantastic! Punching at only at -1 POW from Deathjack, the fact that they can run or charge for free is a wonderful combo with Skarre (load it up with focus, send it in, 5 POW17 attacks will do work, Future Sight helps to extend that focus). Unlike the majority of Cryxian warcasters, Skarre doesn’t want (or take) souls, this opens her list up to units and solos that do want souls (Pistols Wraiths, Soulhunters, etc). Skarre doesn’t really demand anything but hitting power from her list which means she’s a very flexible caster.


Skarre wants a battlegroup. As mentioned above, Future Sight is one of the best Field Marshal abilities in the game. She’ll run pretty much any Cryx jack decently, but she needs them to hit the opponent fairly hard on their base numbers alone. Unfortunantly, she does very little outside of her field marshal to support her battlegroup.


I’ll list her defensive tech (spoiler, it’s a short list): Feat, Admonition, Death Ward. That’s all folks. Skarre really is a offensive caster who wants to be slinging spells, not delivering her army to the enemy.


I misread this feat at first, I thought it was a DEF adjustment of ±5 depending on whether you were an enemy or an ally. It is not that. It is a defensive feat, dropping charge immunity and +5 defense on allied targets and passive out a -5 penalty to attack rolls for enemy targets. This feat is absolutely marginal even in the best case scenario (you get contest a zone for a turn). While a 5 point swing in never a bad thing, it does little to enable Skarre or her army to kill things (which is really what she needed).


Skarre will spend most of her time slinging spells around at the enemy. She two moderate nukes that are prime targets for a Skarlock to replicate (one passes out continuous corrosion, the other is basically a trick shot). Skarre is also deadly dangerous in melee with 3 initials and future sight to conserve focus (also, 13+5d6 on the charge!). If she ever gets a charge lane on the opponent’s caster, the game is probably over (and she threatens 11″).


Not my favorite spell list. There are a couple of nukes, an amazing DEF debuff (like OMG Black Spot! Extra attacks for everybody!), a situational debuff and a couple of minor buffs (ARM and Admonition). With her ability to pay HP to maintain upkeeps, Skarre has the potential to start every turn with a full load of focus while also running her 3 upkeep spells (which is an impressive thought). With Future Sight serving to compensate for her Focus stat of 7, she’s likely to be able to toss out two offensive spells a turn without missing any (although that does leave her without a camp).


Things are not fantastic for Skarre. She has the inklings of a glorious DEF skew caster, she is just missing the DEF buff. Under feat turn, she’s sitting at an unholy DEF 21 (which is nigh unboostable). Unfortunately, she suffers from what all DEF skew-ish casters do, she will die to fire and blast damage…Nothing especially amazing stands out beyond her feat (Admonition saves her from 1 charing model).

Battlegroup: 7/10
Defense: 6/10
Feat: 4/10
Offense: 8/10
Spells: 7/10
Survivability: 7/10
Composite Score: 6.5/10


So as I mentioned previously, Skarre wants at least one Corrupter to add to her focus efficiency. Coupled with Future Sight, she’ll want 4 to 6 heavies to really bring the punch to her debuffed targets. Skarre doesn’t demand any specific units, but she doesn’t mind seeing Satyxis scattered around (as well as the Satyxis Raider Captain since she herself is a Satyxis model and benefits from being knockdown immune).


#1, Grievous Wounds! Skarre can really leverage her health bar for a number of different purposes but without healing, she’ll bleed out long before the enemies factor in (on a big turn, she can cut herself for 9 boxes, over half of her hp). She suffers from upkeep removal (most of her spell list are upkeeps) and like any defense incline model, knockdown and stationary are both beautiful assassination options. Fire isn’t such a big threat to Skarre (being able to cut for upkeeps means that she doesn’t suffer from camping that last focus for the burn) BUT she is looking at an average of 4 damage a round from being on fire. Lastly, Skarre really struggles into ARM skew. She has no method of buffing the hitting power of her army, so if her jacks can’t kill it, she won’t be able to remove it from the board.

Warcaster Jacks Units Solos
Daughters of the Flame Alten Ashley

Pretty standard fair here, Warcasters focus on Purification ARM skew or Attrition (hello Brand of Heresy!). The Reckoner can help lower Skarre’s defense to open her up to assassination. I mention the Indictor specifically for the potential of it denying her upkeep game late in the game (also because Skarre struggles against ARM skew). Ashely is an obvious threat (risk cutting if you can’t heal?) and Eyriss brings an interesting dynamic to the list (probably the most interesting counter piece). Eyriss gives the caster of upkeep spells on units she shoots with an option, maintain the upkeep spell and take d3 damage, or loose the upkeep spell. Skarre is especially vulnerable to this source of chip damage since she runs 4 upkeeps (and there’s always shooting your own models in the back of the head to try and clear  Black Spot…).